22 October 2009

Excerpt from Kalpasutra - 2

taye nam samane bhagavam mahaaviire arahaa jaaye jine kevalii savvannuu savvadarisii sadevamanuyaasurassa logassa pariyaayam jaanai paasai, savvaloe savvajiivaanam aagaim gatim thiim cavanam uvavaayam takkam mano maanasiyam bhuttam kadam padiseviyam aavikammam rahokammam arahaa arihassa bhaagii, tam tam kaalam manavayanakaayajoge vattamaanaanam savvaloye savvajiivaanam savvabhaave jaanamaane paasamaane viharati [121]

Thus, the ascetic Bhagavan Mahavira became an Arihanta, Jina and Kevali, knowing and seeing all. He could perceive all the demigods, humans, and demons of the world in all their manifestations. He knew the arrival, form of life, duration of life, birth, misfortunes, reasoning, thought processes, food habits and actions, whether open or secret, of all the living beings in all the worlds.

To an Arihanta, there are no secrets. As he wanders, he knows and perceives all the acts of mind, speech and body taking place at that time, and the dispositions of all the living beings in all the worlds.

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